who are we
About PPHC
Organisations like NPPHCN were affected negatively by this and as a result, most NPPHCN Regional offices had to shut down. The KwaZulu Natal office remained intact and was reconfigured into a Provincial organisation (KZNPPHC) . It got involved in pioneering Community Health Care-Based programmes in the province, including Community Health Workers (oNompilo)

Our vision

Our mission

Our Values
- Integrity
- Professionalism
- Dignity
- Compassion

Our History
NPPHCN was a national network which drew membership from across all health and allied professional and civil fronts. Membership came from professional bodies/Associations, the general community, students and civil structures.
At the heart of the Advocacy and Lobby Agenda for NPPHCN was the struggle for health care which responded to the needs of the majority.
In its advocacy and lobbying, NPPHCN was involved in the development of the District Health System (DHS), where health care was decentralised to all Regions (at the time), and later to Provinces. It is this system which saw the establishment of the National Health Policy and Primary Health Care System (PHC), in which health care was made accessible to all through stationary and mobile clinics and the creation of Home and Community-Based Care.
NPPHCN was instrumental is ensuring that the pillars of Primary Health Care (PHC) which are accessibility, affordability and participation (community involvement), are firmly positioned in the health care system evident today. Unlike centralised health care, Primary Health Care is a progressive and comprehensive system which approaches health care by prevention of disease, promotion and maintenance of health, rehabilitation and palliative care to minimise disability due to disease.
The District Health System, with its focus on Primary Health Care, is the basis for the current Health Care System in the country.