(+27) 031 303 1014 pphc@pphc.org.za

Community Health Worker Course Overview

This training is delivered through seven modules made up of unit standards and takes a year to complete. This qualification can be delivered at minimum of 140 credits to achieve certification.

Individuals that have completed this qualification are expected to have a better understanding of self and social awareness and will possess a wider range of skills to better understand and function in the ancillary health care field in various community contexts. Learners successfully completing this Qualification will provide a service that will assist communities to better manage their own health and wellness. They will have the skills to support team members and assist in the provision of support services within a multi-disciplinary health care team. Practitioners will generally carry out their roles within the context of the client’s home, a community care centre and/or the broader community.

The CHWs level 2 learning programme makes provision for 30% theory and 70% practical application to ensure that learners are competent in the prerequisite knowledge and practice (work place experience).

Learner Eligibility

– Access to this Qualification is open, bearing in mind the conditions of Learning Assumed to be in Place as per qualification rules.
– The learner must have completed a minimum 10 formal years of schooling or equivalent vocational qualifications.

Learning assumed to be in place and recognition of prior learning

Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 1 – ABET Level 4
Communication at NQF Level 1 – ABET Level 4

What You Get


Classroom Education

PPHC established a Training Academy in 2009. The following courses are offered:

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Community Health Worker Programme

Duration         : 1 Year


Module 1: Community Health Promotion and Home Based Health Care = 26 credits

Elective 260463 Assist the client and significant others to manage home based health care NQF Level 02



Core 260617 Assist the community to access services in accordance with their health related human rights NQF Level 01 6
Core 260497 Participate in health promotion activities NQF Level 02 8


Module 2: Communicate in a variety of ways = 20

Fundamental 119463 Access and use information from texts NQF Level 02 5
Fundamental 119454 Maintain and adapt oral/signed communication NQF Level 02 5
Fundamental 119455 Respond to selected literary texts NQF Level 02 5
Fundamental 119456 Write/present for a defined context NQF Level 02 5


Module 3: Numeracy Credits = 16

Fundamental 7480 Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems NQF Level 02 3
Fundamental 12444 Measure, estimate and calculate physical quantities and explore, describe and represent geometrical relationships in 2-dimensions in different life or workplace contexts NQF Level 02 3
Fundamental 7469 Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life NQF Level 02 2
Fundamental 9007 Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems NQF Level 02 5
Fundamental 9009 Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems NQF Level 02


Module 4: Primary health care and first aid within the community: Credits = 30  

Core 260697 Conduct a basic community needs assessment NQF Level 02 12
Core 254221 Prevent musculoskeletal injuries to self during lifting and carrying activities NQF Level 03 3
Core 119559 Demonstrate knowledge of the provision and implementation of primary health care NQF Level 01 10
Core 119567 Perform basic life support and first aid procedures NQF Level 01



  • Module 5: Create awareness on critical health care issues within a community: Credits =25
Core 119560 Promote an awareness of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) in the community NQF Level 02 4
Core 117493 Provide information about HIV and AIDS and treatment options in community care and support situations NQF Level 03



Core 260477 Assist in establishing food nutrition for community members NQF Level 02 12
Core 117017 Provide information about Tuberculosis and directly observed treatment (DOTS) NQF Level 01 3


  Module 6: Palliative and Chronic Home Based Care: Credits = 29

Elective 260598 Provide support relating to home based care NQF Level 03 16
Elective 117009 Apply palliative care principles when assisting and supporting the client and family to manage life-threatening disease NQF Level 03 10
Core 260499 Manage acute the care of acute and chronic wounds NQF Level 02 3



  Module 7: Manage self-development: Credits = 16

Core 120308 Apply knowledge of self in order to make personal decision NQF Level 02 3
Core 260478 Apply life skills to everyday life NQF Level 02 5
Core 15091 Plan to manage one’s time NQF Level 01 3
Core 260564 Identify causes of stress in own life and indicate techniques to manage it NQF Level 02



Core 260480 Facilitate the prevention of fatigue in the workplace NQF Level 02





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Accredited Courses

Learnership programmes in alignment with the National Skills Development Strategy to bridge skills gaps in different employment levels including employed and unemployed categories.